Tips to Hire Professional Software Developers for Startup

John James
9 min readSep 18, 2020


Tips to Hire Software Developers

The hype of IT firms never went down in the digital world. And since the rate of investing in web-based startups increased, the requirement of Software Developers escalated in the market. Still, several investors believe that in the startup, the only main factor is financing, project size, and business model, but that’s not it, along with this Software Development is also one of the most effective factors for the startup.

What is software development and how is it beneficial for startups?

Since we were talking about how web-based startups need software development, then let’s understand what exactly this terminology means and how beneficial it could be for startups.

Software development means a set of computer programmers activity dedicated to the procedure of building, designing, developing, and upgrading software using new tools and methodologies.

A few benefits that software development can bring into your startup;

  1. Easy Scalability
  2. You can create MVP(Minimum Viable Product)
  3. High-quality product
  4. Innovative ideas from experts
  5. The right set of technology

Apart from these benefits, hiring a software development company will assist you in dealing with many current and potential issues such as faulty UX and UI design or encountering several bugs in the system. These are small yet vital elements that can drift your clients away from your enterprise, so why take a chance.

We know that the procedure to hire Software Developers for your organization is challenging because first, it’s difficult to choose the skilled developer among million, also you might lose a deserving candidate to a competitor, or their paycheck might be high yet it’s essential for the success of startups. Nevertheless, after going through these suggestions, it’ll become easy for you to find the best. This blog post will walk you through the necessary tips to hire the most suitable one from the pool of talented developers.

#1 Software Development Models of Collaboration

The first step towards selecting software developers is to choose the right model of collaboration. If you’re not familiar with this concept then I would like to introduce you to it, software development models of collaboration mean a procedure involving more than one technical person relevant to the project, particularly in medium to large software projects.

These models are classified into three working models, which maintain the schedule, expanse, resources, and software quality of the product. When you’re from the non-tech background or want particular developers apart from your team, then you should first select the best software development company.

After that, you are bound to receive assistance from skilled programmers to develop the required software design, implement, and validate it in an effective manner for your project. Here, I have explained each model, so you can decide which one is most capable for your project.

1. Team Leasing:

Team leasing is a collaboration model, where a software development company or agency will act as the mediator between your enterprise and the outsourced software development team. This model is specifically designed for those businesses, who are in search of developers only.

If you are looking for the experts who will work on your project but won’t lead the project, then it is perfect for you. In this model, the development organization will arrange employment interviews to confirm the applicant’s technical and management abilities.

Applicants will be questioned, during a technical round conducted by you. Don’t be delighted by the technical professional’s answer, make sure that they can accomplish what you’re looking for, then start working with them. Also, these software developers will work exclusively for your project.

The best thing is that the model works on a commission base. This means for the developers the current employer is the development company, who will be responsible for the management, payroll, providing necessary resources, etc.

Pros of Team Leasing

  • It’s one of the fastest hiring models for big companies as well as for startups.
  • Hire software developers according to the assignment.
  • You can shuffle them whenever it’s required for another project.

Cons of Team Leasing

  • Profitable only if your project is sufficient for a higher number of developers.
  • Lack of motivation and team spirit.
  • Might not be exercised as the in-house programmers.

Why should you choose this model?

  1. This model is best when you’re under big pressure or in urgent need to complete the project as soon as possible by outsourcing skilled developers for the product.
  2. Also, if your business is operating complicated projects, and managing in-house developers at the same time, then team leasing might be the right way for you to go.

2. Team Extension and Dedicated Team:

Team extension and dedicated team software development models provide full-time employment, particularly for an exclusive client. However, the recruiting of programmers will be done by the software development company.

The extended and dedicated team model assists in handling the barrier of deficient team members. It’s completely based on establishing a more independent unit of developers. Technical administration and design executives will be handled by the client.

When you hire software developers, they can contribute their years of experience earned from separate projects into delivering the best possible product. Apart from that, they also encourage other developers to exhibit a proactive attitude towards the assignment.

In both of these software development models, the company looks over employment matters, such as working benefits, space facility, tools & devices, leaves, but also professional growth, and team building.

Developers can be either hired for a particular project (leasing) or taken from the in-house software company. Most people believe that the latter possibility gives a higher chance of hiring proficient and proven specialists in software development. That’s why developing unique company criteria to hire the most sufficient and talented developers is essential.

Pros of Team extension and dedicated team:

  • Developers will always get an assessment based on past experiences and knowledge.
  • This model is always more affordable than in-house recruitment.
  • The software development company maintains the flexibility to match the changing project demands.

Cons of Team extension and dedicated team:

  • Remote cooperation might not be the best for all the projects.
  • There will be a lack of communication between you and the team.
  • Less involvement in the project management from your side.

Why should you choose this model?

  1. This software development model is an ideal choice for medium and long term projects.
  2. If you’re looking for committed developers to work closely on your product, then it’s perfect for you. Also, it’s the best choice as per the financial factor.

3. Project Teams

With the project-based model, you establish a target that is supposed to be succeeded by the team within a particularised time and budget. This model is best if you are searching for outsourced software development altogether and let another corporation handle your project. It’s beneficial to those companies, whose internal resources are involved in other more critical activities.

When your vision is clear about what you want, then you can assign the project to a software development company, who possesses several capabilities. Such projects are usually independent of your regular performances. The expenses in this model are based on the pre-decided price, time, and material. So, if you’re planning to hire a team or company that can take care of each aspect of the project, then this model is one for your business.

Pros of Project Teams:

  • You’ll get an experienced team, who has worked with other organizations on similar projects in the same businesses.
  • The software development company can provide trending tech stacks of services for the project.
  • Procedure for software development will include web & app development, IT consulting, UX/UI design, and all the other necessary technical elements.

Cons of Project Teams:

  • Costly than the other two models.
  • The company might have software developers assigned to another project, so it’ll take time to arrange another team.

Why should you choose this model?

  1. The project team model is the best choice for small projects, it’ll be a great option for you to hand-over the project to a company, who possess the latest technology competencies for all types of product.
  2. Also, you can choose a software development company, which has specialized in specific areas, that you want to include in the project.

These are the software development models of collaboration, where each one is unique in various prospects, but I’m certain that one of them will help you to design a perfect project. Just make sure that whichever you choose must fulfill every requirement of the technical prospect.

#2 Factors to consider for Outsourcing Software Development

When you consider outsourcing software developers instead of in-house, then there are a few significant factors that you must be aware of. The process of outsourcing is neither fast nor cheaper but it certainly helps your business to grow in the market rapidly compared to your competitors. Other than the cost and speed of outsourcing there are plenty of factors (don’t fret I’ve listed them below) that you must take note before you start outsourcing software developers.

  • Technical Proficiency

When you outsource software developers, always consider them on the technical abilities they have regarding the tools and methodologies utilized in the project. Prepare a list consisting of all the required skills for the project and analyze the candidates on that basis.

The technical skills should concentrate on improving a user’s experience and the functionality of the software for the product. Apart from that, be ensured that your professional has the relevant knowledge regarding all the current and latest software updates.

  • Knowledge of Specific Industry

Outsourcing software developers with particular industry experience would lead to making a big difference for the project. Choosing a software development company, which has the capability to explicitly point out the industries they’ve majored in is the best option for you. Businesses in every sector have different software requirements, so you need to know what kind of industries they have worked in so far.

  • Security and Quality Assurance

It is essential to always stay alert about security and quality assurance. The software development services you’re considering to choose should emphasize on these two elements. Also, you should request for evidence of how they include them as part of their development procedure.

  • Culture

When you’re going to associate with an outsourcing software development company, then it’s necessary to know about their work culture. Knowing about their group of employees, how dedicated they are towards work, how innovative their thinking is, and most importantly, their way of communication, it’ll give you a prospect to be sure that whether they are best for the job or not.

All these mentioned factors must be confirmed before you recruit an outsourced software development company. Of course, the cost is one of the essential elements but these are also important for the best product design.

#3 When should you hire software developers for your startups?

Now you’re aware of a few software development collaboration models and important factors for hiring outsourced software development, then you must figure out when you should hire software developers for startups. Let’s find out!

  • Create Paper MVP:

The concept of Minimal Viable Product is to create the draft outline of your product with minimal features and fake automation, so you can put your vision in front of outsourced developers or a software development company.

To draft a paper MVP you need to contact a software developer who can prepare MVP with ease. Also, for the other functionality of MVP, programmers can try out AWS and Serverless with Lambda, or build web apps, databases, and APIs with used codes.

Once your idea is clear on paper MVP, and if it works in the mind of experts and they give you a nod to go ahead then you start to work on it with professionals to develop a full-fledged product.

  • Find your users:

Before you start developing your product in online business you have to first determine your audience/users, you need to find those users who will get the greatest value out of your product.

Once you’ve narrowed down your user criteria target them to sell your product. Contact them, advertise it, let them be familiar with it before you launch it in the market. They might be using a similar product already to show them what is the latest technology you’ve got for them.

Take their feedback, let them try the product, targeting specific customers will help you to develop your product into extraordinary, never and I repeat never generalize your users, address them specifically.

The right time to hire professional software developers for you once you’re ready with these points.


These few points will help you to find the best professional software developers, and when to hire them. This will assist your startup to grow and existing businesses to enhance more.

Other Resources

  1. How to Choose a Custom Software Development Company?
  2. What is Offshore Software Development? Advantages and Disadvantages
  3. Uncover why Enterprise Software Development is a sturdy choice for Businesses?



John James

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